What did I miss?
The answer is, so many things!! :-/ To name a few, i missed blog-hopping, shopping, updating this blog, sms-ing frens, surfing the net, etc, etc :-? These few weeks i've been busy in the ofis, at home, outside the ofis, outside the house dan entah apa lagi entah. Since i've been so busy, i missed Mint's birthday :( Felt so terrible when CK reminded me last Wed. I thot i did mark on my calendar. Tapi, sebab tak sempat tengok calendar on Tue, tak teringat la jawabnya. To Mint, Happy Belated Birthday. So glad to know that your celebration was a blast :) Rose doakan agar Mint dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, ditetapkan iman, dimurahkan rezeki dan di dalam lindungan Allah sentiasa.. amin!!
Sheessshh, i missed Ajab's birthday too :-/ Bought card for him and that card is still in my drawer.. uwaaaaa!! To Ajab, same Happy Belated Birthday as Aunty Mint's goes to you. Aunty will always pray for you to grow up as a good son, who will make your parents proud. Hope you'll have all the great things in life Ajab. In short, blue skies and everything nice. Jangan nakal2 dan jangan gaduh2 ngan Syaheed eh :) Pls remind Daddy or Mummy to keep on checking the mailbox coz insyaAllah Aunty will mail the card soon..
Luckily i didn't miss hubby's birthday, which was celebrated at the smallest scale, i.e with kids and inlaws only. SIL was so sweet to help me with the birthday cupcakes. She made some 30 something choc raisin cupcakes, inspired by Simba's cute cupcakes from CK :) But since MIL doesn't really fancy the butter cream or icing, SIL didn't put any. Instead those cakes were decorated with delicious jelly gummies in shapes of cars, planes, bears and berries. Kids gave C a lovely shirt from M&S, which unfortunately was a bit small. So C took the opportunity to change it to another shirt, which is just as lovely. To C, may all the best things in life come your way and you'll stay in good health for many many many more years to come. I'll keep on praying that Allah will bless our family till the end.. amin :)
Other than that, my boss for abt 2 and a half years has been transferred to another dept. A guy replaced her. For almost 14 years i worked there, in the same dept doing the same thing, this is the first time we have a male boss. Entah macam mana la agaknya he runs the dept nanti. I'll just hope for the best so will continue to keep my fingers crossed, hehe. For now he hasn't disturb us so much as he's so busy digesting whatever he needs to know from SP. It's still too early to tell whether he'll be a nice boss or not, eventho he looks knowledgeable.
Anyways, i was so glad that Ramadhan started on Sunday. First Ramadhan was spent with Mak. She was so happy that we're all there to break fast with her. Me, C and Mak surely miss Abah a lot. One thing for sure, Mak will not make cucur udang daily as she used too in the previous years. Mak said "..dulu masa Abah ada, belum puasa lagi dah siap kuah kacang dan kuah cili cucur udang untuk sebulan.." Abah used to make sure Mak had enough prawns for his cucur udang and Mak will make cucur udang for him everyday without fail. Mak's cucur udang is surely the best. The ones people sell outside will have a lot of whatever bahan penaik so that cucur udang depa gebu. Tapi cucur udang Mak cuma ada tepung, kucai, bawang, cili, taugeh dan of course seekor udang. Kalau udang tu kecik, Mak letak la 2 ekor so that bila dah potong 4, semua bahagian ada udang. So memang boleh bayangkan macam mana cucur udang Mak nampak sedap sesangat. Agaknya ada la 10 tahun kot Mak buat cucur udang setiap kali bulan Ramadhan untuk Abah. From now on, i don't think Mak and i akan teringin nak makan cucur udang. Kalaupun teringin, sure tak lalu nak telan bila dah ada depan mata. Apa2 pun, diharapkan kita akan mendapat keberkatan di bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ini.. amin!!
Guess what? Simba started fasting this year.. yeaayyy!! We persuaded him to try fasting this year and he said "OK". Eventho cara persuade tu mungkin salah, i.e "malu la kat kawan kalau tak puasa" but to me, he just need to practise sooner or later. So far he only missed one day, itupun sebab dia dah haus sangat. We're so proud of him coz he never managed to puasa even for one day in the previous years. Sekerat hari pun tak sampai. With his determination to continue, kembang hati Mama dia, hehehe.
As we have been fasting for 8 days, Raya is abt 3 weeks away. We have planned with Mak to drive back to kampung after Raya prayers. I don't plan to take long leave coz Mak plans to go to AOR to spend some time with Ziela and family. After that Mak may wanna stay with Tok for abt a week before she comes back to KL. Kalau nak cuti pun lepas Mak dah balik KL la kot. Anyhow, kalau ada sesiapa yang still nak order Raya cookies, i still have some stocks available. All cookies are packed in 45 pcs, except for Samperit, Sunflower Seeds cookies [aka biskut kuaci] and tarts which are packed in 50 pcs. All are priced ar RM24 per container. Delivery or pick up will be during the week of 16th October. Do let me know if you're interested.
Sheessshh, i missed Ajab's birthday too :-/ Bought card for him and that card is still in my drawer.. uwaaaaa!! To Ajab, same Happy Belated Birthday as Aunty Mint's goes to you. Aunty will always pray for you to grow up as a good son, who will make your parents proud. Hope you'll have all the great things in life Ajab. In short, blue skies and everything nice. Jangan nakal2 dan jangan gaduh2 ngan Syaheed eh :) Pls remind Daddy or Mummy to keep on checking the mailbox coz insyaAllah Aunty will mail the card soon..
Luckily i didn't miss hubby's birthday, which was celebrated at the smallest scale, i.e with kids and inlaws only. SIL was so sweet to help me with the birthday cupcakes. She made some 30 something choc raisin cupcakes, inspired by Simba's cute cupcakes from CK :) But since MIL doesn't really fancy the butter cream or icing, SIL didn't put any. Instead those cakes were decorated with delicious jelly gummies in shapes of cars, planes, bears and berries. Kids gave C a lovely shirt from M&S, which unfortunately was a bit small. So C took the opportunity to change it to another shirt, which is just as lovely. To C, may all the best things in life come your way and you'll stay in good health for many many many more years to come. I'll keep on praying that Allah will bless our family till the end.. amin :)
Other than that, my boss for abt 2 and a half years has been transferred to another dept. A guy replaced her. For almost 14 years i worked there, in the same dept doing the same thing, this is the first time we have a male boss. Entah macam mana la agaknya he runs the dept nanti. I'll just hope for the best so will continue to keep my fingers crossed, hehe. For now he hasn't disturb us so much as he's so busy digesting whatever he needs to know from SP. It's still too early to tell whether he'll be a nice boss or not, eventho he looks knowledgeable.
Anyways, i was so glad that Ramadhan started on Sunday. First Ramadhan was spent with Mak. She was so happy that we're all there to break fast with her. Me, C and Mak surely miss Abah a lot. One thing for sure, Mak will not make cucur udang daily as she used too in the previous years. Mak said "..dulu masa Abah ada, belum puasa lagi dah siap kuah kacang dan kuah cili cucur udang untuk sebulan.." Abah used to make sure Mak had enough prawns for his cucur udang and Mak will make cucur udang for him everyday without fail. Mak's cucur udang is surely the best. The ones people sell outside will have a lot of whatever bahan penaik so that cucur udang depa gebu. Tapi cucur udang Mak cuma ada tepung, kucai, bawang, cili, taugeh dan of course seekor udang. Kalau udang tu kecik, Mak letak la 2 ekor so that bila dah potong 4, semua bahagian ada udang. So memang boleh bayangkan macam mana cucur udang Mak nampak sedap sesangat. Agaknya ada la 10 tahun kot Mak buat cucur udang setiap kali bulan Ramadhan untuk Abah. From now on, i don't think Mak and i akan teringin nak makan cucur udang. Kalaupun teringin, sure tak lalu nak telan bila dah ada depan mata. Apa2 pun, diharapkan kita akan mendapat keberkatan di bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ini.. amin!!
Guess what? Simba started fasting this year.. yeaayyy!! We persuaded him to try fasting this year and he said "OK". Eventho cara persuade tu mungkin salah, i.e "malu la kat kawan kalau tak puasa" but to me, he just need to practise sooner or later. So far he only missed one day, itupun sebab dia dah haus sangat. We're so proud of him coz he never managed to puasa even for one day in the previous years. Sekerat hari pun tak sampai. With his determination to continue, kembang hati Mama dia, hehehe.
As we have been fasting for 8 days, Raya is abt 3 weeks away. We have planned with Mak to drive back to kampung after Raya prayers. I don't plan to take long leave coz Mak plans to go to AOR to spend some time with Ziela and family. After that Mak may wanna stay with Tok for abt a week before she comes back to KL. Kalau nak cuti pun lepas Mak dah balik KL la kot. Anyhow, kalau ada sesiapa yang still nak order Raya cookies, i still have some stocks available. All cookies are packed in 45 pcs, except for Samperit, Sunflower Seeds cookies [aka biskut kuaci] and tarts which are packed in 50 pcs. All are priced ar RM24 per container. Delivery or pick up will be during the week of 16th October. Do let me know if you're interested.
Al Fatihah, semoga roh arwah ayah Rose dicucuri rahmat dan ditempakan dikalangan para solihin..
And happy belated birthday to our dear C (we missed it again, heck!). Semoga C kekal gembira with all his loved ones - a wonderful wife to boot and the 4 diamonds! Semoga panjang usia, dikekalkan iman, dan dianugerahkan rezeki yang murah dalam kehidupan sentiasa. Amin.
A lot seemed to have taken place at work for you eh? No wonderlah diam aje..hee hee. Same here - swamped with work as I try to clear everything before raya leave :)
Hope to see you soon dahling!
KC, at 10/03/2006 5:58 AM
Poor Aunty Rose ... so busy eh? Sampai lupa ana nye birthday? Waaahhhhh .... !! *sob, sob* :(
Tapi takpe. It's ok. Understandable.
Anyway, hope you and everyone in the Rose family have a blessed Ramadhan. Hello to the 4 musketeers! :D
Anonymous, at 10/03/2006 2:15 PM
Wahhh, you managed to update your blog with such a LONGGGGG entry! Good for you dear! :)
Take care and don't stress yourself out with work situations ye?
CestmoiCK, at 10/05/2006 1:12 PM
KC dear,
Thanx for the doa for my late father. Think me, mom and sis remember him all the time.. tu sebab we all tak pernah mimpikan dia.
Re C's birthday, no worries coz dah tua dah kan, hehehe. Thanx for the wishes for him too :)
A lot happened at work? Memang!! Ni pun baru je keluar from meeting with the new boss.. dah nak pengsan asyik meeting je :-/
rose, at 10/16/2006 12:08 PM
Ajab dear,
*tsk tsk* memang Aunty ni dah tak leh diharapkan for whatever. I can go back from work any time i want as long as i finish up my quota :( Your birthday card pun still sangkut.. Satu Raya card pun belum hantar lagi.. Nampak gaya tunggu next Raya la kot.
Hope you & family has a blessed Ramadhan too :) Jangan gaduh2 ngan Syaheed eh *wink*
rose, at 10/16/2006 12:11 PM
Dah datang balik dah my "tak leh nak update blog" penyakit, CK :(
Memang my intention tak nak peningkan kepala with whatever now.. so, apa yang boleh buat, buat je la.
rose, at 10/16/2006 12:12 PM
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