Eversince the hike in oil prices, i can't help to notice that prices for almost everything has gone up too. If last time we spent abt rm600 for groceries every month, right now if we still spend that much, we will be starving during the last week of the month as there'll be nothing to eat or cook oredi :( For the past weeks, some species of fishes could have gone hiding or hybernating coz tak banyak ikan kat pasar ke kat Giant ke.. mana2 la. You name it.. ikan bawal, ikan parang, ikan tenggiri, ikan kurau, etc mostly are priced at RM20/kg or more. At times nak beli tembikai sebiji pun dekat rm10.. issshhh.. mahalnya. I'm not saying that i'm being calculative when it comes to feeding the kids but more to thinking abt those who earn much lesser than i'm. Even with my current pay i'll whine once a while, what abt them i wonder :-/
Anyways, Simba's birthday is coming next Tuesday. He's been eyeing the "soccer" cake from King's since we stopped by there 2 weeks ago. Maybe we'll just buy him that la kot. As for presies, i may not buy him any coz i just dunno what to buy him. Maybe i'll just let him choose whatever he wants later. Last year we made goodie bags for his classmates of both schools. See how whether this year nak buat ke tidak. I still have the weekend to prepare those bags if i want Simba to play 'Santa Claus' next Tue :) Anyhow, i need to check when's my helper's bday coz i think judging by her name, hers is also some time this month.
Other than that, C's batchmate is getting married and the reception will be on 26th Aug. A few days ago we got a call from another of C's batchmate saying that the groom has a special request for the attending batchmates to wear full Baju Melayu with sampin koleq. Alamak, C dah garu kepala mana pulak nak cari sampin koleq. His was stolen from the dorm storeroom during school holidays in 1985. Even if he still has it, he doubt he'll fit in it after he underwent waistline expansion, hehehe. We called a few of his juniors to borrow the sampin but we're not successful yet. Tak pe, there's still another week for us to try some other friends. Our target people are those who attended CCD last year. I'm actually looking forward to meet up with some friends during that wedding. Hoping to see some familiar faces among the wives too :) Maybe i should check with them on their attendance.. hmmm..
On ofis matter, the new system will go "live" very soon eventho there are still some testing going on. The idea is to upload all the "OK" data/reports first while the programmers continue to rectify the other problems. Boleh ke cam gitu? Honestly, i don't know. Ironic or not, some of the programmers left for new job. Well, people come and people go as nobody is indispensible. As for me, insyaAllah i'll be here for as long as i can take it. I don't think ada kerja yang senang, hehehe, so i just bersyukur with whatever that we have, alhamdulillah.
Oh yesss.. the 1 week school holidays will be from 19th Aug to 27th Aug. Me and Mak are actually hoping that Ziela will come back to KL. Ziela needs to see Di's schedule first actually. Kalau Di tak de course masa cuti sekolah ni, dapat la depa balik KL barang 4-5 hari :) Mak was telling me the other day that baby Afiq has gained weight and look a bit different than he was 2 months ago so i just can't wait to see him again. Kalau gebu pipi dia, memang la nak kena cubit dengan Mama, Faie and Milia, hehehe. In anticipation of them coming back to KL, i have applied for leave to spend some time with them :)
Note: It was June's birthday last Sunday, 6th Aug. This year June didn't go all out celebrating. When I spoke to June on Monday, she told me that they did go out for supper on Sat nite which eventually by the time they left the place it's oredi her birthday. To June, Happiest Birthday dear. Hope Allah will bless you with happiness and you'll be showered with love alwiz *hugz* In short, BLUE SKIES EVERYTHING NICE darling :D
Anyways, Simba's birthday is coming next Tuesday. He's been eyeing the "soccer" cake from King's since we stopped by there 2 weeks ago. Maybe we'll just buy him that la kot. As for presies, i may not buy him any coz i just dunno what to buy him. Maybe i'll just let him choose whatever he wants later. Last year we made goodie bags for his classmates of both schools. See how whether this year nak buat ke tidak. I still have the weekend to prepare those bags if i want Simba to play 'Santa Claus' next Tue :) Anyhow, i need to check when's my helper's bday coz i think judging by her name, hers is also some time this month.
Other than that, C's batchmate is getting married and the reception will be on 26th Aug. A few days ago we got a call from another of C's batchmate saying that the groom has a special request for the attending batchmates to wear full Baju Melayu with sampin koleq. Alamak, C dah garu kepala mana pulak nak cari sampin koleq. His was stolen from the dorm storeroom during school holidays in 1985. Even if he still has it, he doubt he'll fit in it after he underwent waistline expansion, hehehe. We called a few of his juniors to borrow the sampin but we're not successful yet. Tak pe, there's still another week for us to try some other friends. Our target people are those who attended CCD last year. I'm actually looking forward to meet up with some friends during that wedding. Hoping to see some familiar faces among the wives too :) Maybe i should check with them on their attendance.. hmmm..
On ofis matter, the new system will go "live" very soon eventho there are still some testing going on. The idea is to upload all the "OK" data/reports first while the programmers continue to rectify the other problems. Boleh ke cam gitu? Honestly, i don't know. Ironic or not, some of the programmers left for new job. Well, people come and people go as nobody is indispensible. As for me, insyaAllah i'll be here for as long as i can take it. I don't think ada kerja yang senang, hehehe, so i just bersyukur with whatever that we have, alhamdulillah.
Oh yesss.. the 1 week school holidays will be from 19th Aug to 27th Aug. Me and Mak are actually hoping that Ziela will come back to KL. Ziela needs to see Di's schedule first actually. Kalau Di tak de course masa cuti sekolah ni, dapat la depa balik KL barang 4-5 hari :) Mak was telling me the other day that baby Afiq has gained weight and look a bit different than he was 2 months ago so i just can't wait to see him again. Kalau gebu pipi dia, memang la nak kena cubit dengan Mama, Faie and Milia, hehehe. In anticipation of them coming back to KL, i have applied for leave to spend some time with them :)
Note: It was June's birthday last Sunday, 6th Aug. This year June didn't go all out celebrating. When I spoke to June on Monday, she told me that they did go out for supper on Sat nite which eventually by the time they left the place it's oredi her birthday. To June, Happiest Birthday dear. Hope Allah will bless you with happiness and you'll be showered with love alwiz *hugz* In short, BLUE SKIES EVERYTHING NICE darling :D
hmmm it's time to ask for a raise me thinks ;-)
Anonymous, at 8/11/2006 2:37 PM
well, tell me about it Rose dear. Our fuel consumption raised to circa RM450 per month. Naturally bila harga minyak naik, harga barang2 lain pun berebut2 naik. Same wif u, I wonder how the others manage especially those with children. I really hope the fuel price tak kan naik lagi buat sementara ni :(
Awww...Simba's birthday's coming again? Dah anak teruna ya? I remembered our Lembing TT sessions back in 1998/99....kecik lagi Simba masa tu - sometimes sleeping on your lap while we 'tak sedar diri' minum bergelas teh/coffee sampai ke pagi!! well, those were the days..
KC, at 8/13/2006 3:21 AM
Ouiiih, such a wonderful entry. So many things happening eh, dear. At least you have the enthusiasm to update your blog, hehe. Me, I wish Y can write for me, ekekeke. Anyway, I too feel the pinch when it comes to groceries and whatnots. Apatah lagi I ni takde gaji...hehe...hope you'll have a good holiday with your Mom, Zila and family.
Hmm...what to get Simba for his birthday ye...(garu kepala kejap) :)
Have a good week ahead dear.
CestmoiCK, at 8/14/2006 2:22 AM
Lx dear,
maybe i'll lobby hubby to ask for pay raise, hehehe. As for moi, payah la nak nego as we go by KPIs and bla.. bla.. bla.. so memang payah nak tau berapa banyak bos nak bagi la :-/
rose, at 8/14/2006 12:46 PM
Dear KC,
i may have a more difficult time next year when Mohsin pulak masuk sekolah. by that time i'm not sure how much my expenses for them will be.. hmmm.
Re Simba, the first time i took him to Lembing TT/bday celebration, he was only 8 months old. Tomorrow he'll be 8 years old. Huisshhh.. time really flies :) I think i'll make that goodie bags tonite coz rasa macam teringin nak buat la pulak, hehehe.
rose, at 8/14/2006 12:51 PM
Dear CK,
haven't hear from Ziela yet whether she's coming over with her family or not. Need to call her to confirm coz kalau dia balik AOR cepat, need to change leave date la pulak kan..
Re Simba, no worries of getting him anything la dear. He knows that tomorrow will be his birthday but as he's such a good son, he didn't ask for anything at all, even when i asked him what he wants. Will see how la esok coz i'll be going out with C tomorrow afternoon.
rose, at 8/14/2006 12:55 PM
so many things going up, up and up but still our salary stuck macm tu jer kan sis? tension betul.
Simba's birthday? hehe, dah besar pun dia kan? :)
i still owe you that session at paddington house of pancakes, ajak la kc and mint sekali yea..
Angel Eyes, at 8/15/2006 10:21 AM
Angel dear,
memang.. our gebang session is WAY long over-due.. entah bila la nak dapat jumpa, seriously. I guess all of are very busy with our daily life.
anyways, hope all's well with you :)
rose, at 8/16/2006 2:49 PM
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