Raya mood :)
So far i think i made all the necessary "ala kadar" preparations for the coming Raya. Let's see:
- baju kurung for the gals ~ checked
- baju melayu for the boys ~ checked
- new baju for kids ~ checked
- kuih Raya sejenis dua ~ checked
- gantung langsir Raya tahun lepas ~ checked
- tukar sofa cover ~ will do esok
Throughout these 27 days of fasting, Simba baru tinggal puasa 3 hari. He did request from me a few times to break fast earlier at 3 or 4pm. I told him "no way", and being the obedient son, he just continued to fast till Maghrib. At times kesian gak tengok dia penat dan haus, but i think it's for his own good that he practise at early age. Yesterday i bought him some Raya cards as he wanted to give his frens. Gelihati tengok dia tulis kad Raya.. ialah, budak2. Cute je his sentences :) After he wrote all, he asked Papa's help to drive around putting all the cards in mailboxes. I just hope he'll continue to do that in years to come.
Today will be the last day in ofis before Raya. Ofis will be closed Mon to Wed, and i'll come back to work on Thu. I didn't apply for any leave eventho the kids and C will be off for the whole of next week. My guess, during my absence they can spend some time at MIL's. Kids love to go over to Embah's house coz their uncle suka layan kerenah diaorang. I'm sure Simba will want to have one or two sessions of playing PS2. Else, they can watch Cartoon Network or Playhouse Disney all day long without having me to 'membebel' this and that, hehehe.
Other than that, i'm still very busy in the ofis.. so many new ways of doing things to learn, so many things to update the new boss, so many unfinished biz still open ended, etc, etc. The new boss is OK so far. His mission is somewhat different than my previous boss but i'm not going to talk abt it here as i'm somehow in my Raya mood oredi.
On my Raya cookies story, i managed to complete all orders this year. Last minute banyak gak request for more cookies but i can't take any more orders as my fren dah tak menang tangan nak siapkan the rest of the cookies. I still have a few deliveries to do and will try to finish off this Sun. Banyak betul kerenah client yang nak di layan actually. Yg marah2 sebab i lambat deliver pun ada. Bukan la lambat sampai lepas Raya baru nak dapat cookies.. cuma lambat by a few days and a few hours dah mengamuk bagai nak rak. For me, this kinda person memang susah orang nak buat biz dengan dia. Asyik nak mintak hers to be delivered first, mana aci kan.. Nevermind, i'll just hope she'll find peace within herself and Allah will show her the right path on how to deal with people later.. amin! Other than her, the rest of clients are very helpful and understanding.. alhamdulillah.
Anyhow, me, C, kids and Mak will be going back to KK on Raya morning. We'll try to visit as many relatives as possible before coming back to KL on the same day. We'll meet Ziela and family kat kampung. Mak will follow Ziela back to AOR and stay there till the end of week. After than Mak will go back to kampung to stay with her mom for another week or so.
To all frens out there, SELAMAT HARI RAYA and MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Pls forgive all our wrong doings and do come over for visit during this festive month :)
- baju kurung for the gals ~ checked
- baju melayu for the boys ~ checked
- new baju for kids ~ checked
- kuih Raya sejenis dua ~ checked
- gantung langsir Raya tahun lepas ~ checked
- tukar sofa cover ~ will do esok
Throughout these 27 days of fasting, Simba baru tinggal puasa 3 hari. He did request from me a few times to break fast earlier at 3 or 4pm. I told him "no way", and being the obedient son, he just continued to fast till Maghrib. At times kesian gak tengok dia penat dan haus, but i think it's for his own good that he practise at early age. Yesterday i bought him some Raya cards as he wanted to give his frens. Gelihati tengok dia tulis kad Raya.. ialah, budak2. Cute je his sentences :) After he wrote all, he asked Papa's help to drive around putting all the cards in mailboxes. I just hope he'll continue to do that in years to come.
Today will be the last day in ofis before Raya. Ofis will be closed Mon to Wed, and i'll come back to work on Thu. I didn't apply for any leave eventho the kids and C will be off for the whole of next week. My guess, during my absence they can spend some time at MIL's. Kids love to go over to Embah's house coz their uncle suka layan kerenah diaorang. I'm sure Simba will want to have one or two sessions of playing PS2. Else, they can watch Cartoon Network or Playhouse Disney all day long without having me to 'membebel' this and that, hehehe.
Other than that, i'm still very busy in the ofis.. so many new ways of doing things to learn, so many things to update the new boss, so many unfinished biz still open ended, etc, etc. The new boss is OK so far. His mission is somewhat different than my previous boss but i'm not going to talk abt it here as i'm somehow in my Raya mood oredi.
On my Raya cookies story, i managed to complete all orders this year. Last minute banyak gak request for more cookies but i can't take any more orders as my fren dah tak menang tangan nak siapkan the rest of the cookies. I still have a few deliveries to do and will try to finish off this Sun. Banyak betul kerenah client yang nak di layan actually. Yg marah2 sebab i lambat deliver pun ada. Bukan la lambat sampai lepas Raya baru nak dapat cookies.. cuma lambat by a few days and a few hours dah mengamuk bagai nak rak. For me, this kinda person memang susah orang nak buat biz dengan dia. Asyik nak mintak hers to be delivered first, mana aci kan.. Nevermind, i'll just hope she'll find peace within herself and Allah will show her the right path on how to deal with people later.. amin! Other than her, the rest of clients are very helpful and understanding.. alhamdulillah.
Anyhow, me, C, kids and Mak will be going back to KK on Raya morning. We'll try to visit as many relatives as possible before coming back to KL on the same day. We'll meet Ziela and family kat kampung. Mak will follow Ziela back to AOR and stay there till the end of week. After than Mak will go back to kampung to stay with her mom for another week or so.
To all frens out there, SELAMAT HARI RAYA and MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Pls forgive all our wrong doings and do come over for visit during this festive month :)
Dearest darling Rose,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir Batin to you and family. Harap dimaafkan segala salah silap kami dari hujung kaki hingga ke hujung rambut, mintak dihalalkan makan minum, hutang piutang, mintak dimaafkan jika ada terkasar bahasa, tersilap kata, ter"itu" dan ter"ini"...harap dimaafkan ye! :)
Have fun in KK with your family and loved ones. Safe trip and take care!
CK, F & Y
CestmoiCK, at 10/20/2006 7:08 PM
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin from me. Sorry la didn't keep my promise to call tempohari....my handset buat hal, skrin dia kaler putih permanently. Got a new one recently, so will try to keep my promise. Ber tan berita nak kena lapor yek....he he he. Ok ler, salam kita buat keluarga awak & seluruh pekan KK(macam ler orang KK kenal kita..he he he). Know what, I do miss my raya trips up north....Tanjong Malim, Gopeng.....ahhhhhhh, mau nangis tau. Nanti le, when the time is right, I nak pergi buat roadtrip raya....
Anonymous, at 10/21/2006 1:26 PM
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir & batin to everyone in your family, especially the kids, from me, Ayeed, Mummy and Daddy here in Singapore, Aunty Rose!!
Don't eat too much kueh during Hari Raya ok? Hehe! :D
Anonymous, at 10/22/2006 12:38 AM
Selamat hari Raya, Rose ... maaf zahir & batin! Have a safe one with the family.
Anonymous, at 10/22/2006 5:50 PM
Rose dear,
selamat hari raya to you & family.
hugs & kisses,
kuE, puteri & megat!
ku E, at 10/24/2006 8:20 AM
CK dear,
My maaf beribu-ribu lemon goes to you too. Ialah, kita berkawan-kawan ni sure ada masa kecik hati or berasa hati from gurau senda and whatnots.
So glad your Raya went great and you all managed to beraya together-gather :)
rose, at 10/31/2006 1:03 PM
Sjahril yang jauh di mata tapi sentiasa dalam ingatan,
we owe each other one full gebang session, hehehe. if you managed to escape yourself to KL, kita date bertiga je eh.. tak nak invite orang lain sebab nanti tak puas sembang, kan.. kan.. kan..
Anyways, Pekan KK OK je.. orang kat KK pun OK je. insyaAllah this Thu balik KK lagi as ada urusan yang nak diselesaikan. will khabarkan pada semua once selesai :)
rose, at 10/31/2006 1:07 PM
Dear Ajab & Momo,
Glad you both had a great 1st Raya together :) Kalau ada salah silap Aunty Rose, sudilah maafkan.
You both banyak makan kuih Raya tak? Raya Haji boleh la Aunty fikir how to hantar kuih raya to you both eh *wink*
rose, at 10/31/2006 1:10 PM
Lx dear,
Really happy for you that your eye op went well so you beraya with better vision la eh :) Thousand apologies for any of my wrongdoings to you. Take care of you :D
rose, at 10/31/2006 1:12 PM
KuE darling,
Selamat Hari Raya to you, Pu3 & Megat :) Really sorry for not being able to see you on Raya day. We're running late bcoz of the heavy rain and only drove back to KL at midnite. Will see whether there's room to meet up with you this Thu. Else, we try this weekend ya :)
rose, at 10/31/2006 1:15 PM
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