Abah, cucur udang & Ramadhan :)
If Abah was still around.. Mak will be busy making cucur udang every day for break fasting the whole of Ramadhan :) A few days before Ramadhan, Mak will be ready with kuah sambal for the cucur udang. She'll also make sure she has grounded enough kacang goreng which goes well with the kuah sambal for the cucur udang. Abah'll help Mak fry the cucur udang himself if he's not working afternoon shift. If he's working for the afternoon shift, Mak will fry cucur udang in advance and tapau him some for break fasting. Mak's cucur udang was surely 'tak de tolok bandingnya' :) Cukup taugeh, kucai, garam, udang.. perfect! Sedaaapppppppp sehingga menjilat jari :D
But, since last Ramadhan, Mak's not making cucur udang anymore :( Mak & i have decided that we'll no longer make cucur udang as surely we'll not have the heart to eat 'em. To buy cucur udang is another 'no-no' to me because in Abah's word "..tak sedap!!.." to which i definitely agree. Anyhow, i miss Abah terribly. Al-Fatihah..
But, since last Ramadhan, Mak's not making cucur udang anymore :( Mak & i have decided that we'll no longer make cucur udang as surely we'll not have the heart to eat 'em. To buy cucur udang is another 'no-no' to me because in Abah's word "..tak sedap!!.." to which i definitely agree. Anyhow, i miss Abah terribly. Al-Fatihah..
Al-Fatihah. Semoga roh abah Rose dicucuri rahmat Allah dan ditempatkan di Jannah...
take care of u and hope to see u soon
KC, at 9/24/2007 12:07 PM
KC dear,
Thanx for the sedekah and doa for my dad..
You take care too & really hope we'll meet soon :)
rose, at 9/25/2007 2:37 PM
Sigh, sorry la laling I ni baru nak jenguk your blog :(
Al-fatihah to arwah. Semoga dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman.
Kecur air liur ni baca about your mom's yummylicious cucur udang...tak de resipi? Hehehe...kiddin! Seri muka pun belum buat. Mesti kena pegi berguru ngan your mom one of these fine days, eh...
Take care dear.
CestmoiCK, at 10/01/2007 12:38 AM
Hi CK!
No worries tak jenguk my blog coz i bukannya rajin sgt update pun.. Thanx for the sedekah & doa for my late dad :)
Kalau mintak recipe cucur udang from my mom, sure dia gelakkan kita coz she'll say 'mana ada resipi' :) What i know, she'll just mix taugeh, kuchai, a pinch of salt, tepung dan air. She'll use senduk yang dah dipanaskan dalam minyak untuk goreng. Bila dah letak the tepung mixture dalam senduk, tambahkan seekor dua udang (depending on size) atas adunan tepung tu, hehehe. I think you surely can make this :)
Take care you too :)
rose, at 10/01/2007 2:22 PM
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