It's been a while..
True that i've been busy but i just wanna post something today bcoz today is Abah's birthday if he's still around. Of course la tak leh nak wish him Happy Birthday like always but i'll just doa banyak-banyak him. I expected myself to feel sad but apparently i'm not that sad. I was just thinking about him a lot, that's all. He's always on my mind anyways..
Apart from that, busy semedang la eversince beginnning of year. At times, nak bukak my favorite blogs to glance thru pun tak sempat. Yang sempat in ofis nowadays, baca e-mail je. After ofis, sms to the close frens. Dengan my mom pun i sms je nowadays, semenjak duamenjak my mom pandai ber-sms eventho just short ones. To me, that's an achievement for her :) Ialah, Mak tu bukan la tech-savvy like modern mums yang pandai hantar MMS & all.
Other updates, Mohsin is getting better in class. If last time he just sat at one corner watching the rest in class learning, now he at least join them in writing and reading. A few times he sang nursery rhymes for me. He loves it whenever i sit and do homework with him :D Other than that, the rest are same old same old. Take care all :)
Apart from that, busy semedang la eversince beginnning of year. At times, nak bukak my favorite blogs to glance thru pun tak sempat. Yang sempat in ofis nowadays, baca e-mail je. After ofis, sms to the close frens. Dengan my mom pun i sms je nowadays, semenjak duamenjak my mom pandai ber-sms eventho just short ones. To me, that's an achievement for her :) Ialah, Mak tu bukan la tech-savvy like modern mums yang pandai hantar MMS & all.
Other updates, Mohsin is getting better in class. If last time he just sat at one corner watching the rest in class learning, now he at least join them in writing and reading. A few times he sang nursery rhymes for me. He loves it whenever i sit and do homework with him :D Other than that, the rest are same old same old. Take care all :)
hope you're in the best of health..
dah lama tak catch up
k take care..
Mdm Noris, at 2/13/2007 8:09 PM
Glad you updated dahling! :) Prayers for arwah your dad. Semoga dicucuri rahmat sentiasa. Wah, your mom can sms! Good for her. My mom nak guna handphone pun needs assistance, hehe.
Glad to hear Mohsin is doing well in class. Yeayyy for Mohsin! :)
You take care dear. Be well!
Hugs & mwahs
CestmoiCK, at 2/13/2007 11:40 PM
My dua' for your dad :)
Dropping by to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to you&C and the lovely Simba Faie Mohsin Milia.
Chech, at 2/14/2007 9:48 AM
Hi rose,
Sian kita kena slog ourselves @ work, kan? Tapi cik 'B' tu, tak nampak2 jugak in my case.
Semoga arwah your dad sentiasa dicucuri rahmat Allah sentiasa.
As for my mom, she pun dah boleh sms sesikit, but most of the time when she sme-es me, it would be mengarut one like "dok buat taik mata lagi ka tu?" if she sms-ed me on a sunday morning, hee hee. Also other things that you reaaaally don't want to know, LOL.
We meet soon k. Next Friday 23/2 insyaAllah. Boss tak dak, so bolehlah over sikit :)
KC, at 2/15/2007 12:45 AM
Hi Rose, glad to see you have updated! Sigh....memang le kita ni kan...busy manjang.....aduhhh...apo nak buek, cari nafkah...LOL! Wah...canggih jugak le your mom boleh anto sms, mak mint tak paham sangat tang-tang sms ni, dia tau receive and make calls aje.
Yay for Mohsin, it's good to hear that he is showing progress in school.
Al Fatihah for your late dad, semoga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.
Anonymous, at 2/15/2007 10:27 AM
Kak Rose,
Your mum is already good enough that she can sms.. my dad still can't do it although he has the most 'canggih' phone in the family. He attempted a few times in the past but they were all empty smses! Now, he'll just call back whenever he receives any..
Alfatihah for arwah your dad.
Hazyr, at 2/15/2007 6:30 PM
Hi Noreez,
eeeeee... memang dah lama sungguh kita tak communicate :( Hope all's well with you & family. Hope Fidz & hubby are happy together. Kalau datang KL, call me pls..insyaAllah, i'll be able to spare some time. Lama tak jumpa, banyak nak cerita ngan you *wink*
rose, at 2/16/2007 9:50 AM
Thanx for doa for dad. So far belum pernah i lupa doakan untuk dia every time lepas solat. Also taught the kids to sedekahkan Al-Fatihah for him every time before they sleep.
CK & Mint,
Memang "Yeayy" for Mohsin coz dia tu memang ada different mood for different things. Kalau tak kena gaya, suruh apa pun dia tak nak buat, hehehe. He likes it when ppl pujuk dia bila nak dia buat anything.
hugz to all :)
rose, at 2/16/2007 9:57 AM
CK, Mint, KC & Ryzah,
kira my mom tak la pandai sangat tapi dia agaknya teringin nak ber-sms cam kitorang ni so dia cuba jugak la. I bet my nephew taught her how to, hehehe.
kiranya you mom dah terror la bab sms ni :) My mom ni macam "saya budak baru belajar" la..
agaknya later kalau Iman or Jannah ajar your mom how to sms, your mom pun terror kot *wink*
phone your dad paling "canggih"? Tak pe la, style pun penting gak, hehehe.
Take care all :)
rose, at 2/16/2007 10:20 AM
oppsss.. lupa Chech's Valentine's message :-/ Happy Belated Valentine's Day. Hope you had a fun one with Camus :) My evening was spent in a meeting :(
Also, KC, kita buat appointment jumpa next Friday eh *wink*
rose, at 2/16/2007 10:22 AM
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