Under The Sun..
I can't think of a title actually coz i don't know what i'm going to write, hehehe. But, i'll just scribble something here.
Have been doing a lot of thinking lately actually. I have been thinking whether i should change job or not, esp after i withdrew myself from getting the needed transfer. I've been calling some friends to ask for their opinion, besides thinking out aloud with C. C leaves decision entirely up to me coz i'll be the one who'll work whichever job i carry the title. Of course he'll support me spiritually and mentally, as much as what i'm doing to him :) At least we know that we have some understandings here and there. I need a change and i'm sure i really need it. Maybe, it's time for me to try to change the normal routine for the past 13.5years in the same ofis, in the sample dept, working with the same people. I have no doubt work will be as usual coz my colleague and i are very much capable in carrying out our individual and team duties. But, i just need the change because it's too routine for me oredi. I'll get back to me thinking further and will share with you later any changes whatsoever.
Some recent happenings:
CK's birthday :) Happy Birthday all the same to CK :D Many many happy returns of the day. Pray that you'll be under Allah's blessings always. Glad that Mint, K & Saramanja helped delivered all the pressies and they had so much FUN together :) How i wished to be there as well but i'm still hoping that some day i will, just like the yesteryears, insyaAllah. Bak kata KC, "First, we gotta dream" *wink*
Ziela's family came to visit and they took Mak back to AOR with them. On the first day of school hols, they're already here because they started traveling on Fri morning since Kedah has started their hols. While they're in KL, Mak buat kenduri arwah for Abah on 31st May. Alhamdullilah turn ups were quite a lot eventho at first Mak was told that not many ppl will be able to attend. Before the event Mak was worried but when she was all smiles on the very day, we're so relieved to see so many faces of Mak's friends. We recited Yassin and tahlil for Abah. [Geezz.. how i missed Abah so much :( But somehow i think Abah knows that i never forget him in my prayers.] We also took the opportunity to take Ziela to pusara Abah for the first time. I helped babysat Afiq and lucky me he didn't cry that much. Asked C to keep on driving so that i can show Afiq around the neighbouring area while Ziela, Mak, Fikri & Aiman were at pusara Abah. For the kids, they had so much fun together :) A few times Simba spent the nights at Mak's to be with the cousins. One of the nights Mohsin joined them too. Last Fri, C & Di (my BIL) took them to watch Spiderman 3. Happy giler Fikri & Aiman coz Di memang tak pernah bawak depa pegi movie in AOR. Di mentioned that the money spent for movies will not be worth it with the condition of cinemas in AOR. I asked him, "..teruk sangat ke Di?.." and his reply was so convincing :-/
Recent Mon was not a very good day for me. I finished work at ard 7pm and i took the lrt home. The train ride was OK but half way C called me to say that Mak's neighbour called him to alert us on something. Since i was oredi on the train, i continued with my journey and met C at the usual station. We decided that we MUST go to Gombak to see what happened. So, off to Gombak from PJ. Sure enough we saw some of the roof tiles rumah Mak have been moved to the side. Ada orang dah planned nak masuk rumah Mak but belum masuk lagi coz all the things inside are still in tact. Maybe the person planned to come back after dah buat survey on the surrounding area :( Of course i'll be upset if the person really datang mencuri but i hope it the person still plan nak datang again, pls do that when my mom is not around. Her trauma from being robbed recently is still haunting her. But, anak arwah Pak Syed was kind enough to help us put back the tiles.
While i was discussing with Mak's neighbour abt the roof and plan, my bos called to ask me to go back to ofis so settle some work problem. Eventho that was a rare occasion, i was quite upset bcoz when i left ofis, i've made all the necessary adjustments and whatnots. But, it seems some decision was made after i left. So, fm Gombak berkejar balik ofis :( Issshh, geram gak but i know that if none of us make the necessary adjustment, all reports will be wrong the next day and we'll get the blame from the other team. I left ofis again! at almost 10pm. Perut dah memang lapar so we went to Uptown on the way back. To our surprise, we met my junior in STF, walking back to their car with her hubby. What a sweet surprise after a LONG day at work :) My junior is actually related to C and we last met in Sg Petani when we visited them a few years ago. We catched up a bit and i'm glad to know that they'll move back to KL next year. Hopefully we'll meet more often next year onwards :)
This coming 11th June will mark one year of Abah's passing. I have him in my prayers alwiz. Harap dia ditempatkan di kalangan solihin, Al-Fatihah.
Have a GREAT weekend to all :D
Have been doing a lot of thinking lately actually. I have been thinking whether i should change job or not, esp after i withdrew myself from getting the needed transfer. I've been calling some friends to ask for their opinion, besides thinking out aloud with C. C leaves decision entirely up to me coz i'll be the one who'll work whichever job i carry the title. Of course he'll support me spiritually and mentally, as much as what i'm doing to him :) At least we know that we have some understandings here and there. I need a change and i'm sure i really need it. Maybe, it's time for me to try to change the normal routine for the past 13.5years in the same ofis, in the sample dept, working with the same people. I have no doubt work will be as usual coz my colleague and i are very much capable in carrying out our individual and team duties. But, i just need the change because it's too routine for me oredi. I'll get back to me thinking further and will share with you later any changes whatsoever.
Some recent happenings:
CK's birthday :) Happy Birthday all the same to CK :D Many many happy returns of the day. Pray that you'll be under Allah's blessings always. Glad that Mint, K & Saramanja helped delivered all the pressies and they had so much FUN together :) How i wished to be there as well but i'm still hoping that some day i will, just like the yesteryears, insyaAllah. Bak kata KC, "First, we gotta dream" *wink*
Ziela's family came to visit and they took Mak back to AOR with them. On the first day of school hols, they're already here because they started traveling on Fri morning since Kedah has started their hols. While they're in KL, Mak buat kenduri arwah for Abah on 31st May. Alhamdullilah turn ups were quite a lot eventho at first Mak was told that not many ppl will be able to attend. Before the event Mak was worried but when she was all smiles on the very day, we're so relieved to see so many faces of Mak's friends. We recited Yassin and tahlil for Abah. [Geezz.. how i missed Abah so much :( But somehow i think Abah knows that i never forget him in my prayers.] We also took the opportunity to take Ziela to pusara Abah for the first time. I helped babysat Afiq and lucky me he didn't cry that much. Asked C to keep on driving so that i can show Afiq around the neighbouring area while Ziela, Mak, Fikri & Aiman were at pusara Abah. For the kids, they had so much fun together :) A few times Simba spent the nights at Mak's to be with the cousins. One of the nights Mohsin joined them too. Last Fri, C & Di (my BIL) took them to watch Spiderman 3. Happy giler Fikri & Aiman coz Di memang tak pernah bawak depa pegi movie in AOR. Di mentioned that the money spent for movies will not be worth it with the condition of cinemas in AOR. I asked him, "..teruk sangat ke Di?.." and his reply was so convincing :-/
Recent Mon was not a very good day for me. I finished work at ard 7pm and i took the lrt home. The train ride was OK but half way C called me to say that Mak's neighbour called him to alert us on something. Since i was oredi on the train, i continued with my journey and met C at the usual station. We decided that we MUST go to Gombak to see what happened. So, off to Gombak from PJ. Sure enough we saw some of the roof tiles rumah Mak have been moved to the side. Ada orang dah planned nak masuk rumah Mak but belum masuk lagi coz all the things inside are still in tact. Maybe the person planned to come back after dah buat survey on the surrounding area :( Of course i'll be upset if the person really datang mencuri but i hope it the person still plan nak datang again, pls do that when my mom is not around. Her trauma from being robbed recently is still haunting her. But, anak arwah Pak Syed was kind enough to help us put back the tiles.
While i was discussing with Mak's neighbour abt the roof and plan, my bos called to ask me to go back to ofis so settle some work problem. Eventho that was a rare occasion, i was quite upset bcoz when i left ofis, i've made all the necessary adjustments and whatnots. But, it seems some decision was made after i left. So, fm Gombak berkejar balik ofis :( Issshh, geram gak but i know that if none of us make the necessary adjustment, all reports will be wrong the next day and we'll get the blame from the other team. I left ofis again! at almost 10pm. Perut dah memang lapar so we went to Uptown on the way back. To our surprise, we met my junior in STF, walking back to their car with her hubby. What a sweet surprise after a LONG day at work :) My junior is actually related to C and we last met in Sg Petani when we visited them a few years ago. We catched up a bit and i'm glad to know that they'll move back to KL next year. Hopefully we'll meet more often next year onwards :)
This coming 11th June will mark one year of Abah's passing. I have him in my prayers alwiz. Harap dia ditempatkan di kalangan solihin, Al-Fatihah.
Have a GREAT weekend to all :D
Thanks for the bday wishes and pressies dahling. Thanks for making my bday a memorable one! :) Wish you and KC were here joining Mint & family the other day...sigh...bila la dapat lepak and gebang with you my bestest galpals...
Hope your Mak is OK and the bad guys tak continue with their intention...macam-macam hal...ya Allah, jauhkan lah kami dari segala malapetaka.
Al-fatihah untuk your Abah. Semoga dicucuri rahmat Allah SWT hendaknya.
Take care dear (and hope you get to change career soon...amin...)
Hugs and mwahs
CestmoiCK, at 6/10/2007 12:57 AM
Hi Rose, I share the same feelings with you career wise - staying in the same job for 13 odd years - no joke! Sometimes memang rasa macam nak tukar keje tapi tu la, malas nak cari keje punya pasal, stay put la jawapnya....but whatever it is, masih bersyukur ke hadrat Allah atas rezeki yang dikurniakan setakat ni.
Takut dengar pasal the "planned" robbery kat your mom's place tu, nasib baik la u all sedar awal. Syukur tak de apa-apa yang tak diingini berlaku, kan?
Al Fatihah for your dad - semoga dicucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan diletakkan di kalangan para solihin, amin.
Bila kita nak gebang lagi eh? Rasa macam tak puas pulak bergebang hari tu. This time around, kena one whole day punya gebang session - LOL!
Take care and talk soon!
Anonymous, at 6/12/2007 11:15 AM
CK laling,
Bdays are to be cherished kan so we just tried our best to make it a memorable one for you eventho we can be there for you, hehehe. InsyaAllah we'll get the chance to lepak & gebang 1 fine day *fingers crossed*
Re Mak's house, should be OK la coz if ada robber masuk nak curi barang pun, they can't get out coz Mak tak simpan extra keys kat dalam rumah so boleh masuk je la tapi nak bawak barang besar keluar tak leh coz tak leh bukak pintu.
Thanx for prayers for Abah. As if i can still picture our last Wed together..
You take care too :) Have a great week ahead.
rose, at 6/18/2007 9:59 AM
Mint dearie,
Maybe we're destined to work wherever we are for another 10 years kot, hehehe. Frankly i don't mind staying in this co but just need a change of environment. Tukar dept ke... But like you said, alhamdulillah syukur for Allah's blessings all these while :)
C went to inspect Mak's house semalam and everything is still intact. I think my neighbour tolong tengok2kan jugak rumah Mak tu. Lucky us to have such a nice neighbour..
Thanx for doa for my dad dear.. He's in my thots & prayers alwiz :)
Jom la gebang lagi Mint *wink* Tak puas sembang actually that day coz 2 1/2 hours je.. This time kita kena sembang 5 hours at least :) Let's plan with KC again *wink wink*
Have a great week ahead Mint.. Take care :)
rose, at 6/18/2007 10:10 AM
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